Best on the Gold Coast!
Best on the Gold Coast! We are very proud to announce that Professional Tree Works were awarded ‘Best Full Time Arboriculture Business…
Who is responsible when a tree falls on your property in Queensland?
Who is responsible for damage caused by falling trees? Insurance, there’s always fine print that nobody reads, it’ll get you. We pay…
Safe tree program (Guide)
This is a safetree guide that shows you how to planting within your property ‘powerline friendly’. Trees and palms that interfere with…
Cross Section of a Tree Trunk (Infographic)
Bark The outside layer of the trunk. The bark serves as a protective layer for the more delicate inside wood of the…
Pandanus tectorius
Pandanus (P. tectorius) is a large shrub or small tree of immense cultural, health, and economic importance in the Pacific, second only…
Preparing For Storm Season 2018 / 2019
Before the Storm… How to Prepare When preparing for storm seasons The summer (between December – February) is a season of storms in…
Gold Coast Council Tree Removal Application Guide – Gold Coast Council
If you want to remove trees on the Gold Coast then you need to receive council approval. The reason is simple, the…
Tips for Pruning Trees in 2018 – Gold Coast
Most people believe pruning trees is a practice that can be carried out whenever they want, experts believe it is not so….
Wormtec Worm Extract
Wormtec Worm Farming specialises in the unique production, blending and mixing of worm extracts; products which include biological inoculants, trace elements and…
Why should I hire a Qualified Arborist?
Trees provide an enormous range of benefits, some are often overlooked: Enhancement of local environment and ecosystems Provision of shade and shelter…